
(18th JUNE 1981, T2-08)


HAVING regard to the general aims of the Convention establishing a Customs Co-operation Council, in particular the provisions of Article III concerning measures for attaining the highest possible degree of harmony and uniformity in Customs matters,

RECALLING the discussions at the Council's 49th/50th Sessions in Nairobi (1977) where it was confirmed that the Council should play a more active role in order to foster technical co-operation between all developed and developing countries and that it should expand its general policy on technical co-operation,

NOTING that a steady growth of world trade implies constant adaptation of Customs methods of work,

NOTING that, while under its auspices a substantial number of international Customs Conventions have been concluded, further steps besides promoting accession to or ratification of these instruments are necessary to facilitate international trade,

CONSIDERING the satisfactory results obtained by its expanding co-operation in Customs matters with other governmental and non-governmental international organizations,

CONVINCED that it is also in the interest of international trade to promote technical co-operation,

CONVINCED that adequate training of Customs officials is one of the prerequisites for the smooth functioning of international trade and tourism,


1. to collaborate with Members of the Council and members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies, and Customs or Economic Unions which so wish in organizing on a bilateral or multilateral basis seminars, training courses and symposia in Customs matters, in particular concerning the Conventions and other international instruments administered by the Council,

2. to co-operate with regional and international organizations in organizing regional and interregional seminars on Customs matters,

RECOMMENDS that Members of the Council and members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies, and Customs or Economic Unions, should :

1. provide for the possibility of receiving trainees, and receiving, supplying, or exchanging Customs experts and lecturers, utilizing the channels of the Council for these purposes so far as may be possible,

2. consider where appropriate and so far as may be possible admitting Customs officers of other administrations to their national Customs training schools,

3. organize seminars, courses or symposia open to or intended for foreign participants on national and international Customs laws and regulations, and on the application thereof,

4. consider the further promotion of activities aimed at achieving wider technical co-operation in Customs matters,


REQUESTS Members of the Council and members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies, and Customs or Economic Unions which accept this Recommendation to notify the Secretary General of the Council of the date from which they will apply the Recommendation and of the conditions of its application. The Secretary General will transmit this information to the Customs administrations of all Members of the Council. He will also transmit it to the Customs administrations of the members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies and to Customs or Economic Unions which have accepted this Recommendation.

* The Customs Co-operation Council is the official name of the World Customs Organization.