
(25 June 1992)


RECALLING the Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention) adopted at its 75th/76th Sessions in Istanbul on 26June 1990,

RECALLING that Appendix II to Annex A to that Convention lays down a model for temporary admission papers (CPD carnets) to be used for temporary admission of means of transport under Annex C to the Convention, and that this model as well as the conditions for its use are virtually the same as those for the temporary importation papers ("carnets de passages en douane") laid down in the Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles, 1954, and the Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Commercial Road Vehicles, 1956 (hereinafter called the Vehicles Conventions),

NOTING that the carnet issuing and guaranteeing associations operating under Annex C to the Istanbul Convention will be the same as those operating under the Vehicles Conventions,

CONSCIOUS of the importance of ensuring a smooth transfer from the Vehicles Conventions to Annex C to the Istanbul Convention and of avoiding undue hardship to the issuing and guaranteeing associations,

APPRECIATING the willingness of the issuing and guaranteeing associations operating under the Vehicles Conventions to render the relevant issuing and guaranteeing chains operational also under Annexes A and C to the Istanbul Convention insofar as road motor vehicles and trailers are concerned, and their commitment to guarantee CPD carnets provided for in the three Conventions,

RECOMMENDS that those Contracting Parties to the Istanbul Convention which accept Annex C thereto and which accept a CPD carnet for temporary admission of means of transport under that Annex, should accept both the carnet model laid down in AppendixII to Annex A to the Istanbul Convention and the temporary importation papers (carnets de passages en douane) laid down in the Vehicles Conventions.

REQUESTS the Secretary General of the Customs Co-operation Council to notify the Contracting Parties to the Istanbul Convention of the undertaking by the issuing and guaranteeing associations to guarantee, vis-à-vis the Customs administrations, the carnets provided for in the three Conventions. The Secretary General is also requested to append this Recommendation to such a notification.

REQUESTS each Contracting Party to the Istanbul Convention to notify the Secretary General of the Customs Co-operation Council whether it accepts or does not accept this Recommendation. Such notification shall be made within one year following the date on which the Secretary General notifies Contracting Parties of the undertaking by the issuing and guaranteeing associations to guarantee the carnets provided for in the three Conventions.

In the case of acceptance, the Contracting Party shall also notify the Secretary General of the date from which it will apply the Recommendation and of the conditions of its application.

Failure to notify the Secretary General of the Customs Co-operation Council within one year shall mean that the Contracting Party is unable to accept the Recommendation. However, a Contracting Party may accept this Recommendation at a later date.

The Secretary General shall transmit this information to the Customs administrations of Council Members. He shall also transmit it to the Customs administrations of the Members of the United Nations organization or of its specialized agencies, to the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe, to Customs or Economic Unions which qualify as Contracting Parties, and to the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme and the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile.

* The Customs Co-operation Council is the official name of the World Customs Organization.