Enhancing Training and Capacity Building in Moldova and Ukraine owed to an operational liaison with the EUBAM

07 April 2009
Enhancing Training and Capacity Building in Moldova and Ukraine owed to an operational liaison with the EUBAM

April 2009

The WCO Capacity Building Directorate has welcomed from Monday 27th April to Wednesday 29th April 2009 a Study trip on Training Capacities Development of Customs representatives from Moldova and Ukraine. This 3-day working session of Training and HR managers has been made possible owed to the support and coordination of the EUBAM (European Union Border Assistance Mission).

This event has enabled the CB Directorate to achieve 3 distinct objectives: to follow-up the previous Secretariat missions on the implementation of WCO standards on Management Development and Training aspects, to better promote the WCO programmes that could benefit to those two administrations, and to keep enhancing the joint support WCO and EUBAM are offering to those two administrations on their strategies in relation to the Columbus Programme.

Different activities and practical implementation proposals of the CB Directorate standards were presented as well as an overview of the Compliance and Facilitation Directorate activities. Both Moldova and Ukraine delegations could then explore the opportunities to strengthen their Training Action Plans embedding the WCO offer.

The practical implementation of the WCO Training programmes and tools, the Professional Standards’ implementation, the Compendium’s Management models and guidelines and the Integrity and Ethics programmes were discussed in details through exchanges of experience, good practices, brainstorming and workgroups.

This Study trip funded by the EUBAM has offered the opportunity to sign a joint statement of cooperation to closely coordinate the actions undertaken by the EUBAM and the WCO in those two countries. Some bilateral discussions enabled to move forward on a coordinated action plan that will efficiently systematize the WCO strategic expertise and coordination, the EUBAM operational mandate and its close-to-the-field position to follow up the implementation of the CB projects in line with the Columbus Programme, for the full benefits of Moldova and Ukraine.