Installation of the e-learning programme within the Mombasa RTC

28 April 2009
Installation of the e-learning programme within the Mombasa RTC

April 2009


A workshop was held from 6 to 9 April 2009 at the Regional Training Centre (RTC) based in Mombasa, Kenya. The purpose of this workshop was to install the WCO e-learning programme on the RTC’s computer infrastructure, to train the Centre’s staff in its use and to prepare for the next stages of the roll-out.

This mission was funded by the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (SIDA) fund.

The training system roll-out will begin with an initial pilot phase, during which online courses will be used in tandem with the conventional training methods applied by the Centre to train Kenya Revenue Authority officials. Access should subsequently be extended to Customs administrations from the East and Southern Africa region which could enjoy independent regional access to the programme, tailored to the region’s specific characteristics by teams of trainers and the RTC’s experts should the need arise.

The programme was officially launched at the RTC on Thursday 9 April 2009 during a ceremony attended by a great many officials, including the Deputy Commissioner with responsibility for the Mombasa region, Mr. Kevin Safari.