The WCO-EAC Project Management facility in Uganda opens doors with a high-level visit

19 August 2009
August 2009

The newly established Project management office facility (PMO) of the WCO-East African Community Customs Modernisation Project has recently opened its doors in Kampala, Uganda. With the support of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) under the WCO-SIDA agreement on the regional Implementation of Columbus Programme Phase II in Sub-Saharan Africa, the facility will be not only the office of the Regional Programme Manager (RPM) but a true home for the WCO-EAC project, hosting the meetings of the expert working groups that are to carry out the practical implementation of the project.

The office is expected to be an effective way to exercise good governance in the execution of project activities and will be responsible for the investment and reporting, as well as for monitoring performance and evaluating outcomes.

On 16 July 2009 the first guest to visit the PMO and meet the RPM was a high-level Ugandan official – Mr. Eria Kategaya, Minister of East African affairs and first Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda. The guest was briefed on the project contents and expected outcomes. The minister expressed his satisfaction with the project and pledged full support for the office and the programme implementation activities.

On 21-22 July and 12-13 August 2009 the PMO hosted the first and second Working Group meetings of the National Project Managers and private sector representatives which gave a start to the Trade Facilitation Programme plan implementation in the five EAC countries.