Enhancement of the WCO Secretariat support offered to the RTCs

22 December 2009
Enhancement of the WCO Secretariat support offered to the RTCs

December 2009

The WCO Secretariat (Secretariat) keeps on striving to offer the Regional Training Centres (RTCs) with an efficient enhancement support in relation with the review process initiated last year.

The RTCs’ network and its integration within the WCO regionalization policy represent the suitable chain to enlarge the dissemination of available and adapted WCO training to all our Members and partners. The Secretariat needs them as visible and legitimate WCO Reference Centres in the regions.

Bearing the WCO logo, meeting the WCO standards, displaying the WCO references and being recognized Customs Resource Centres are critical for these WCO regional structures. All the RTCs will receive soon a complete batch of WCO publications to participate to the Customs community’s efforts in implementing the WCO standards. The Secretariat will supply and update each of the RTCs before February 2010 with a parcel gathering one copy of each publications and a set of WCO flags.