WCO applauds testimony of U.S. Homeland Security Secretary on 100% scanning

14 December 2009

Brussels, 11 December 2009

WCO applauds testimony of U.S. Homeland Security Secretary on 100% scanning

The United States Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee held a hearing on "Transportation Security Challenges Post-9/11” on 2 December 2009.

Part of the hearing concentrated on 100% scanning of maritime containers bound for the United States and the various challenges regarding implementation of the 100% scanning legislation.

During the hearing, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Janet Napolitano said “DHS …is compelled to seek the time extensions authorized by law with respect to the scanning provision.”

According to senior DHS officials, the Department has decided under the current circumstances it will likely provide a probable two-year delay and blanket exemption to the 2012 100% scanning deadline.

Following the Secretary’s testimony, the Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, Senator Rockefeller stated that the Congress must reconsider its mandate that the government scan all ocean containers coming into the United States.

The World Customs Organization (WCO) discussed the issue at the 62nd Sessions of its Policy Commission this week and will remain constructively engaged with the United States Congress and appropriate executive departments of the Obama Administration on the issue.

On behalf of its 176 Members, the WCO will continue to advocate a layered risk management based approach as a viable alternative to 100% scanning.

The 100% scanning legislation mandates all containers destined for the U.S. to be scanned prior to loading at the port of origin by 1 July 2012 (the legislation requires scanning for content as well as radioactive material).

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