27 January 2009
On January 26, the Director of Capacity Building. Mr. Lars Karlsson, visited the Regional Office of Capacity Building (ROCB) for the WCO East and Southern Africa region in Nairobi.
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27 January 2009
All Capacity Building programmes are fully operational under the new administration. During the last months the Secretariat and the Capacity Building directorate have been conducting an operational review of all capacity building programmes in order to evaluate and strengthen the portfolios
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26 January 2009
Thank you for joining me to celebrate International Customs Day with the theme “Customs and the environment: protecting our natural heritage” which has become a common responsibility for mankind and customs needs to be part of this worldwide effort.
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26 January 2009
The environment and the threats it faces is now high on the world agenda. Whether we are talking about climate change, the hole in the ozone layer, global warming, massive deforestation through illegal logging, disappearing species, longer droughts, ever-increasing industrial pollutants in rivers or even the melting ice cap, one is left with the same sense of concern and dismay!
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26 January 2009
On 5 January 2009, the Republic of Armenia deposited with the Secretary General of the World Customs Organization its instrument of accession to the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (Harmonized System).
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25 January 2009
Dr. Nagy, Commissioner of Hungarian Customs & Finance Guard, Distinguished guests, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen:
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20 January 2009
I wish to begin by expressing my sincere gratitude to the Côte d’Ivoire Authorities and the WCO Regional Vice-Chairperson, the Director General of Senegalese Customs, for inviting me to the opening of this regional structure which is a priority for the international Customs community.
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16 January 2009
At the beginning of this year, 21 West and Central African countries decided to build their Customs capacities by equipping the region with a World Customs Organization (WCO) Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB).
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14 January 2009
Operation “COCAIR” which took place from 8 to 14 December 2008 involved 15 countries and was aimed at strengthening anti-drug trafficking measures at 22 international airports in the in the WCO West and Central Africa region.
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14 January 2009
Since this is the beginning of my mandate as Secretary General, I should like to take this opportunity to share my vision for this organization with you. My leadership will be based on two main pillars covering all aspects within the customs domain, namely, greater responsiveness to the needs of WCO members and enhanced cooperation with our international partners from both the public and private sectors
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13 January 2009
The Customs Development Project (Project) was based on Three Parties Agreement on Understanding between the Customs Administration of Kazakhstan, the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the World Bank (WB) that has been signed in March 2007.
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08 January 2009
At the invitation of the Czech Presidency, Kunio Mikuriya, the WCO Secretary General presented the Organization’s aims and vision at the Council of the European Union (EU) Working Party on Customs Union (Customs Legislation and Policy).
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02 January 2009
The East African Community countries shared information on national needs assessments, approved important documents related to the establishment and functioning of the Project Management Office, the Terms of Reference for the Steering Committee, exchanged views on coordination with other entities in the region and with the private sector, and planned next steps for implementation of the regional programme.
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01 January 2009
At the WCO Council’s annual sessions in June 2008, the Members of the World Customs Organization, represented by Directors General of Customs, elected their new Secretary General, Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, whose five-year term at the helm of the WCO commences on 1 January 2009.
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