Director visiting Thai Customs

23 March 2009
Director visiting Thai Customs

March 2009

When visiting Bangkok recently, the Director of Capacity Building Mr. Lars Karlsson, also visited Thai Customs for a meeting with the Director General of Thai Customs, Mr. Utid Tamwatin. Thai Customs is an active member of the WCO, present member of the WCO Policy Commission and also a beneficiary under the WCO Columbus programme. Under the leadership of Director General Utid Tamwatin the administration has a developed a successful modernization programme with a lot of activities aiming at the implementation of international standards. During the meeting Director General Tamwatin and Director Karlsson discussed the recent progress of the Thai Customs modernization programme as well as further cooperation in the field of capacity building. The Director also took the opportunity to thank Director General Tamwatin, Thai Customs and the Government of Thailand for generously hosting the Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB) of the WCO Asia Pacific region in Bangkok and also for the support for the WCO capacity building agenda overall.