Regional training Coordination Meeting in the WCO Regional Training Center (RTC) of Alexandria
November 18 -19, 2009
The Regional training Coordination Meeting held on 18 to 19 November 2009 in the premises of the WCO RTC of Alexandria has gathered representatives of the Vice-Chair, the new team of the Regional office for Capacity building (ROCB) Abu Dhabi, the RTC Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Libya.
It has successfully achieved the preparation of a tighter frame for a more efficient coordination of the WCO regional actors involved in training and to ensure that the strategic priorities of the MENA Region do shape up the regional training action plan. As a consequence the participants agreed on a common regional strategy to be established for a more consistent approach with the WCO priorities and standards. This strategy requires defining and adopting some coordination procedures on Training needs analysis, event set-up and evaluation of training and trainers. The priority of establishing and maintaining a regional pool of experts has been clearly expressed. The necessity of building up a communication platform has been also stressed through identified communication channels, a common web portal, and a structured and corporate approach on translation of the WCO documents into Arabic.
The MENA ROCB visited the WCO Secretariat a week after the Regional training Coordination Meeting to define the needs, expectations and requirements tied to the ROCB set up in Abu Dhabi.
The ROCB and the Vice-Chair will coordinate the inputs of the participants to design and adopt the MENA region procedures in setting up a tighter coordination of the regional Capacity Building activities.