Please call us Capacity Builders

16 November 2009
“Please call us Capacity Builders”
November 26, 2009

The WCO Secretariat held a meeting with Member Donor Administrations in Brussels on 26 November 2009. In the course of discussions Members increasingly used the expression “capacity builder” for Customs to minimise confusion when discussion sometimes included to donor agency support to capacity building.

Two main issues were the focus of the day. The first concerned the coordination of Customs experts providing assistance to Members. The second issue was the coordination of capacity building activity at the national and regional levels.

The Secretariat presented a plan to deliver a variety of capacity building missions together with the type of individual profile best equipped to align assistance.

Three categories of experts were identified:

  • Customs Modernization Advisors
  • Operational and Technical Experts and
  • Expert Trainers

The professional and personal benefits for individuals and their administrations were discussed by Members at the meeting. Further work to occur includes allocating experts to the needs of each Member in the plan and developing a time-frame for delivery. For missions requiring two experts from the global pool, attempting to match experts from different countries will occur.

Different models for coordinating delivery of capacity building were discussed. In a fruitful discussion, participants discussed the positive aspects of Tripartite/Multi-partite agreements going forward. There were a number of examples and foreseeable opportunities under this model, including efficiencies for the capacity builder, WCO and other donors as well as clearer coordination for the beneficiary.

Participants confirmed that WCO and/or Member assistance should only be in response to a Member request for modernization assistance. Whether the assistance is at the strategic, tactical or operational level, results-based planning would be reflected in mission goals.

In the closing remarks, the Director Capacity Building, Lars Karlsson, said,

2009 is shaping up to be a record-breaking year for CapacityBuildingand the Secretariat is keen to ensure we continue to service Members in what looks to be an equally busy 2010. Meetings such as these ensure all members benefit from programs, whether individually or organizationally and whether beneficiary or donor – I mean Capacity Builder!”