Pilot workshop on management development held in Ethiopia

01 November 2009
Pilot workshop on management development held in Ethiopia

In front of the participants are Mr. Ato Nebiyou Samuel, ERCA’s Deputy Director General for Change Management and Support [left], Ms. Riitta Passi, WCO [middle], Mr. Jim Williams from the University of Canberra and Mr. Andy Argyle from HMRC [right] attired in the Ethiopian traditional clothes.

November 2009

follow-up to the Global Dialogue on Customs Capacity Building Conference (London, 4-5 October 2008), the WCO Secretariat was requested to coordinate the establishment and drafting of guidance and standardized models on Leadership and Management Development for future and senior managers in order to assist WCO Members in this area.

h the merger of the Ministry of Revenue, the Ethiopian Customs Authority and the Federal Inland Revenue Authority into one new organization called the Ethiopian Revenue & Customs Authority (ERCA) and the significant reform programme underway in ERCA, it was necessary for senior management and staff to have a fuller understanding of modern Customs management and techniques. ERCA therefore provided the perfect opportunity for a pilot workshop on management development.

The pilot workshop was held in Ethiopia from 26 October to 6 November 2009. The programme, which was developed by experts from WCO Members, the academic world, and the private sector, was based on the core components of PICARD Professional Standards.

Delivered over two working weeks, the pilot followed an interactive workshop approach. Sessions took a variety of forms from presentations to case studies. The Workshop resulted in the production of three action plans in key management areas within ERCA.

Mr. Andy Argyle (HM Revenue and Customs) and Mr. Jim Williams (University of Canberra) facilitated the workshop with Ms. Riitta Passi of the WCO providing support for the event.

The Management Development Programme will continue with more pilots and will be presented to the Capacity Building Committee in April 2010 with the aim of offering Management Development Packages to our Members to be used also in the WCO Fellowship Programme.

For more information please contact riitta.passi@wcoomd.org.