11 November 2009

PICARD Conference 2009

11 November 2009

The fourth WCO PICARD Conference: Customs and the academic world discuss global issues

  1. The fourth conference on the Partnership in Customs Academic Research and Development (PICARD) was held in San Jose, Costa Rica from 28 to 30 September 2009 and hosted by the University of Costa Rica. It was attended by almost 200 delegates representing WCO Members, the academic world and other interested parties. The conference was co-chaired by Prof. David Widdowson, President of the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU) and Prof. Jhon Fonseca from the University of Costa Rica.
  1. This hugely successful event was dedicated to academic programmes focused on Customs and research on Customs-related topics. It brought together many academics and Customs representatives from all six regions of the WCO. Most participants came from the Americas and Caribbean region; representing 35% of the total number of attendees.
  1. The main discussion items for the 2009 conference were:
  • The WCO recognition procedure for University Customs Curricula based on PICARD Professional Standards;
  • The growth of the INCU network and existing Customs-oriented academic programmes;
  • Customs-related research projects.

Most of the original research papers presented at the Conference have been included in the 6th edition of the World Customs Journal which is freely downloadable at the following address: http://www.worldcustomsjournal.org/.

- Link to the report [es] [fr]

- Link to the agenda and the presentations

- Link to the photos