Brussels, 10 November 2009
Global leaders set to convene in Cancun to find solutions to the growing counterfeiting and piracy problem
The Fifth Global Congress on Combating Counterfeiting and Piracy will be held in Cancun, Mexico from 1 to 3 December 2009 with the theme “Bridging Boundaries for Shared Solutions”.
More than 60 global leaders from over 20 countries will present their views on the dangers associated with the growing problem of counterfeiting and piracy.Speakers will include Ronald K. Noble, Secretary General of INTERPOL, senior representatives from the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the World Itellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and a host of other prominent speakers from government and business. They will be joined in Cancun by more than 500 delegates working to find solutions to the worldwide illegal trade in fake products.
Co-hosted by INTERPOL and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) – the administrative government authority in charge of industrial property matters – the Congress is the first to be held in the Americas. Senior government leaders from Mexico are expected to present details on what they are doing to deal with counterfeiting and piracy in their country and in the region.Government and business leaders from every country in the region are expected to participate.
Along with INTERPOL, the Congress is being convened by the WCO and WIPO in cooperation with the world’s business community, represented by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) through its Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP) initiative, the International Trademark Association (INTA) and the International Security Management Association (ISMA).
"The global economic crisis has placed even greater pressure on both public and private sector efforts to maintain the collective fight against counterfeiting and piracy,” said Ronald K. Noble, Secretary General of INTERPOL. "At the same time, the criminals who are involved in this illegal trade in fakes are intensifying their efforts to grow their businesses, maximize illicit profits and build even stronger transnational organized crime networks which harm citizens and economies in all countries. This cannot be allowed to continue and the Global Congress provides a timely opportunity for the world’s government and business leaders to come together with law enforcement to share proposals and find solutions to stop the international trade in counterfeits and pirated goods”.
IMPI Director General, Jorge Amigo Castañeda, said that piracy and counterfeitingwere of worldwide concern because of their negative impact on trade and domestic economies. " The social and economic losses associated to these illegal activities, such as the loss of jobs and tax revenues, constitute a critical concern for governments across the globe. Thus, we believe that international co-operation is essential to ensure that adequate border measures are enacted to deal with this very delicate situation that threatens every nation and its citizens," Mr Amigo added.
“ Many achievements have been undoubtedly gained in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy thanks to the fruitful partnership between public and private institutions, but it is also true that this criminal phenomenon has to be disrupted further through more efficient border enforcement,” said Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General of the WCO. “ Lessons learned tell us that only effective international cooperation among the different players involved in combating this crime represents the best possible approach to the problem,” Mr. Mikuriya concluded.
About the Global Congress
The Global Congress on Combating Counterfeiting and Piracy represents a unique, international public-private sector partnership to identify concrete solutions to the growing menace of the illegal trade in counterfeiting and piracy and facilitate their implementation. It has become the leading international forum for shaping practical strategies to combat counterfeiting and piracy. Previous Global Congresses have been hosted by the WCO and Dubai Customs (Dubai, February 2008), WIPO (Geneva, January 2007), INTERPOL (Lyon, November 2005), and the WCO (Brussels, May 2004). These international gatherings have provided a valuable platform for representatives from both the public and private sectors to pool their experiences, raise awareness, enhance cooperation and identify strategies to deal more effectively with the global problem of counterfeiting and piracy.
More information
Joseph F. Clark
Executive Director
Global Congress Secretariat
Tel: +1.905.726.3438
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