IRU and WCO release joint TIR elearning package

24 November 2009

Brussels, 24 November 2009

IRU and WCO release joint TIR elearning package

The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the World Customs Organization (WCO) are pleased to announce the release of the TIR eLearning package aimed at the main actors of the TIR Convention, to smooth customs procedures and international trade operations. This Convention facilitates the movement of goods across as many borders as necessary with limited intervention by customs authorities at intermediate borders.

WCO Secretary General, Kunio Mikuriya, said, “ The new eLearning package is a visible demonstration of the benefits that can accrue through international cooperation and through the use of today’s innovative technologies. The programme will greatly enhance our efforts to train customs and other users of the TIR System in a cost-effecient way and will assist in furthering implementation of the System around the world. Trade facilitation and improved border management will certainly enjoy a positive spin-off from this collaborative exercise.

This interactive elearning package is offered in addition to existing seminars and will help customs authorities and TIR associations to familiarise themselves with the fundamental aspects of the TIR System. The package should contribute to the proper functioning of the TIR System and to enhanced risk management procedures and ultimately facilitate border crossing and international trade.

IRU Secretary General, Martin Marmy, stated, “ Thanks to state-of-the-art information technologies, we can now provide optimal learning at virtually no additional cost to every true professional involved in the management of the TIR System and, in so doing, guarantee improved implementation of the TIR Convention. This should not only raise awareness of the major benefits provided by the TIR System, but also considerably speed up border crossing procedures and enhance risk management, which will in turn increase the security of trade while reducing costs for international transport operators and the end consumer!

IRU Head of the TIR System, Jean Acri, added, “ This user friendly training tool will allow customs officials, TIR associations and other interested parties to access the 15 lessons currently available in English and French, with the Russian version to be released in the near future.

The elearning package covers the following topics:

  • The TIR System
  • Customs Transit & Key Principles of the TIR System
  • The TIR Convention & Contracting Parties
  • Guarantee System and Contractual Relationships
  • The TIR Carnet
  • How to Fill in a TIR Carnet
  • Incidents & Accidents - The Certified Report Form
  • Risk Management in the TIR System
  • Entering and Viewing SafeTIR Data and Best Practice
  • TIR Claims
  • Roles and Responsibilities of the Actors Involved
  • TIR System Administrative Structure
  • TIR and the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards
  • Limitations on TIR
  • The TIR System and the EU Customs Union
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