Enhancing co-operation with the United Nations in preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

12 October 2009

Enhancing co-operation with the United Nations in preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

9 October 2009


His Excellency, Ambassador Jorge Urbina, Chair of the UN Security Council 1540 Committee, visited Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya at the WCO on 9 October 2009. UN Resolution 1540 was adopted in 2004 to prevent the proliferation of WMD (nuclear, chemical and biological weapons). If implemented successfully, each State's actions will significantly strengthen the international standards relating to the export of sensitive items and to removing support (including financing) for those seeking the proliferation of WMD, and hence ensure that non-State actors, including terrorist and black-market networks, do not gain access to chemical, nuclear or biological weapons, their means of delivery or related materials.

Emphasizing the WCO’s priority of both securing and facilitating global trade, Secretary General Mikuriya explained the WCO's ongoing active participation in the UN Security Council’s work, including that of the 1540 Committee. He suggested that the WCO regional forum could be a good platform to convey the message of the UN 1540 Committee.

Identifying the WCO as a key partner organization, Ambassador Urbina expressed appreciation for the WCO's contribution to global security in co-operation with the UN Security Council. He undertook to seek ways to address the resource implications for the WCO in providing technical assistance. Both parties agreed to continue to enhance co-operation towards their shared goal.