Immigration and Customs Enforcement delegation visits WCO headquarters
30 September 2009
On 30 September 2009, the WCO Secretary General welcomed US Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary and Head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), John Morton, and his delegation. The main purpose of their visit was to discuss the continuing cooperative relationship between ICE and the WCO.
Issues raised during the meeting included: ICE's strong support for the WCO's nCEN Programme and the CENcomm communication tool; Operation Atlas, an ICE led enforcement operation supported by the WCO; the smuggling of drugs and weapons in North America; the possible establishment of a RILO for North America; ICE's strong support of and involvement in the WCO Enforcement Committee; the possibility of the WCO acting as a forum for Customs administrations that have immigration and passenger processing responsibilities too; IPR enforcement efforts; and the need to continue the very useful cooperation between ICE and the WCO on all cross border enforcement activities.
Mr. Mikuriya stated that the US has been one of the WCO’s most engaged members; providing not only leadership but also making a valid contribution through ICE and CBP. He also acknowledged the active role of the US business community in WCO fora and activities.
The Secretary General hoped that the WCO and ICE could further enhance their relationship as this would produce tangible results for the benefit of the entire global community.