Strong commitment to regional cooperation in Montenegro

27 April 2011

Strong commitment to regional cooperation in Montenegro

Podgorica, 20-22 April 2011


At the invitation of Director General Božidar Vuksanović of Montenegro Customs, WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya visited Podgorica, Montenegro from 20-22 April 2011. He met Prime Minister Igor Lukšic to discuss regional cooperation between Montenegro and its neighbours and observed Customs operations on the ground.

Prime Minister Lukšic strongly encouraged Customs to facilitate the smooth flow of goods throughout the Balkan region and connect the region's markets to the EU while fighting organized crime at the borders. Secretary General Mikuriya appreciated the political support and stressed the importance of human resource development, including proper training and a partnership approach with business for better compliance, with other government agencies for better coordinated border management and with Customs in neighbouring countries for building a globally networked Customs. They agreed to enhance cooperation between Montenegro and the WCO to promote regional cooperation.

The Secretary General also visited Montenegro's largest Customs sea terminal in Bar and its largest truck and railway terminal in Podgorica. He also visited the land border post with Albania and another one with Croatia to observe the coordinated work being done by Customs with the police, sanitary and phytosanitary services.