Three new agreements to extend the use of CLiKC!
During the 117th/118th Sessions of the Council, three new Member administrations have committed to install the new version of the WCO E-learning programme facilitated by the CLiKC! system.
Korean Customs makes its first step into the use of the WCO courses with the signature of the licence Agreement enabling them to implement the whole WCO catalogue on their own server in order to complement their national e-training programme.

The same was done by Moroccan Customs, which will implement the e-learning programme at national level and develop its own courses based on national legislation in a framework of a joint capacity building project with the Customs administration of Switzerland.

Mongolian Customs had already rolled out the e-learning programme at national level since 2009, but now wanted to further evolve and benefit from new possibilities offered by the recently launched CLiKC! system. They also plan to finalize the translation of all WCO courses into Mongolian to facilitate its dissemination among its staff.

While some administrations are still handling the transition to the new system through the nomination of a national coordinator, up-to-date CLiKC! already gathers more than 2000 Customs officers worldwide.