Global Forum on Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking and Related Threats

31 January 2012

Global Forum on Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking and Related Threats

Brussels, 31 January 2012


The WCO Secretariat held the first Global Forum on Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking and Related Threats from 25 to 27 January 2012 which brought together over 170 delegates from 65 Customs administrations as well as some ten international and regional organizations.

The WCO has given priority to the fight against trafficking in drugs and chemical precursors including money laundering and corruption, thus responding to the concerns of its 177 Members and its partners.

The morning of 26 January (International Customs Day) was given over to an exhibition organized by the Secretariat, affording the private sector an opportunity to display a range of equipment and technical aids available to officials responsible for combating the traffic in drugs and chemical precursors, such as drug tests, urine drug screens, ionscan, and endoscopes.

Alongside the exhibition, a small number of WCO Members showcased a variety of products or objects discovered by Customs services in the course of their duties.

Demonstrations by dog and handler teams specialized in drug and cash detection brought the morning of 26 January to a close.

This Forum was the first event held to mark the 60th anniversary of the WCO and forms part of a package of activities scheduled throughout the year on the 2012 theme of connectivity with the slogan: “Borders divide, Customs connects”.

Topics discussed during the three-day Forum were fully in keeping with the connectivity theme.