UNODC – WCO Container Control Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina commenced implementation phase

01 December 2014

Sarajevo, 28 November 2014 – The UNODC –WCO Container Control Programme Basic Theoretical Training has been completed today in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The two-week theoretical training (November 17-28, 2014) was organized for the Joint Port Control Unit officers from the Indirect Taxation Authority and the Border Police BiH. Training also gathered observing officers from several other law enforcement agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina: State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies and Agency for Education and Professional Training, as well as the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.

This training represents the first segment of the structured professional learning concept of the Container Control Programme, combining on-site theoretical and practical training, e-learning modules and work-study visits, including mentoring and advisory visits. The training also served as forum for information exchange on risk analysis, case studies and for discussion on how to further strengthen cooperation between law enforcement agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In particular, future cooperation with the Port of Koper, Slovenia, has also been considered through the Container Control Programme, using ContainerComm, a secure communication system developed by the WCO to facilitate the exchange of intelligence and information.

Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the  UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme in July 2014, signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with UNODC and became the 21st operational country out of 52 funded countries.