Joint Statement - Coordinated Assistance for Implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

22 July 2014

22 July 2014, Geneva

Recognising the extensive potential benefits to developing, transition and least developed economies from the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), including:enhanced participation in global supply and value chains; improved competitiveness; increased transparency; greater integration into the global economy and significant economic growth and development;


Responding to the clear needs of such economies for technical assistance, capacity building and support in implementing and securing long term benefits from the TFA;

Theinternational organizations and development partners listed below hereby reaffirm their support in acomprehensive and coordinated manner to such economies in implementing the TFA - in close collaboration with the WTO and the donor community.

We commit to assisting developing, transition and least-developed countries, drawing on our respective strengths and areas of expertise. This will take the form of immediate assistance, for example in determining the categorization (A, B, or C) of measures under the TFA, establishing National Trade Facilitation Committees, creating faster and more efficient cross border and regulatory procedures through effective collaboration amongst all relevant stakeholders, including the private sector, as well as longer term implementation planning and support in implementing comprehensive reform programs built on the TFA measures. We commit to continuing to make available, to all countries, the trade facilitation tools, recommendations and standards we produce.

We support and encouragethe WTO in sharing information on trade facilitation assistanceand in helping respond to any gaps that WTO Members might identify in the provision of assistance, in collaboration with the international organizations and development partners.

We believe;

  • that a coordinated approach will greatly assist developing, transition and least-developed countries to reap real and sustainable benefits from the Agreement and will result in stronger economic development for their citizens,
  • that the TFA provides a unique opportunityto achieve deep and sustainable trade facilitation reforms that will have a long lasting and positive impact on developing, transition and least-developed countries’economies and will enable them to more fully participate in the global economy,and
  • that a collaborative approach is efficient and cost effective in the delivery of donor financed assistance

Statement issued on behalf of:

The International Trade Centre
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
United Nations Economic Commission for Europeon behalf of the UN Regional Commissions of ECE, ECLAC, ESCAP and ESCWAi
World Bank Group
World Customs Organization

i United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)