WCO Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF) is now recognized as ODA-eligible as from 2013 Aid Flow

11 July 2014

The World Customs Organization’s (WCO) Customs Co-operation Fund (CCF) has now been recognized by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation Development’s (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC) as being Official Development Assistance (ODA)-eligible for reporting on 2013 ODA flows. The contribution to the WCO CCF in and after 2013 will be reported as ODA.

The Government of Belgium, after consultations with the WCO, had submitted to the OECD the proposal that the WCO CCF Fund be added to the list of ODA- eligible international organizations. The WCO CCF exists to support the delivery of technical assistance and capacity building to WCO Member Customs administrations in developing and least developing countries for purposes of reform and modernization.

WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya said "the recognition of CCF as ODA will be a catalyst to attract further support from existing and potential donors, and consequently bring significant benefits to beneficiary WCO Members."