IPM goes mobile

06 November 2014

The WCO is pleased to announce that the IPM Mobile Application is now available for all of IPM country Members.

The application first went live in April, following the first pilot phase of the IPM mobile in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). During the two day inauguration workshop, Customs officers tested the tool on a number of counterfeit and genuine products and were trained to make informed decisions thanks to the information contained in the IPM database. A total of 150 Customs officers used the tool during a two week period and consulted over 4000 products altogether.

The first pilot phase in the UAE was followed by other similar testing sessions in Ireland, the United States and Mauritius and registered successful results which led to the official deployment of the IPM mobile.

The procedure for countries to obtain access to the IPM Mobile is straightforward. Following your request, the WCO technical team will open access to the application in your country and you will then be able to download it from either APP Store or Google Play. A user-guide and an installation guide will be provided, along with web trainings where needed.

We are also open to collaborate with administrations interested in interfacing existing national systems with IPM in order to access both sources of information through a Single Window. Moreover, if you are collaborating with authentication and track and trace companies in the IPR field, please let us know as we might find synergies between systems that can contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the inspection process.

The WCO would like to thank you for your continuous support of the IPM tool and invite you to make use of both the desktop and mobile application as much as possible and share your experience with us.

Please contact Elena.trefas@wcoomd.org to get access to the mobile application!
