Second WCO Leadership and Management Development Workshop at the Directorate General of Customs, Cameroon

12 August 2015

Yaoundé, 20 to 31 July 2015

The Cameroon Customs Administration assigns strategic priority to management development in both the technical and managerial domains, with a view to meeting future challenges. A priority is regaining ownership of functions currently outsourced by the Government to a pre-shipment inspection company and border security. Against this background, a Workshop on Leadership and Management Development (LMD) was organized by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and financed by the Customs Cooperation Fund - Korea. The Workshop was held in Yaoundé (CAF Centre of Excellence, Mbankomo), from 20 to 31 July 2015, for 20 managers.

The aim of the Workshop was to provide Cameroon Customs with a pool of dedicated management leaders, capable of working with their colleagues to effectively implement the reform and modernization process already begun by the Administration.

The 10-day LMD Workshop was a unique opportunity for self-reflection by the participants, affording them greater awareness of their values, beliefs and behaviour, with a focus on consistent improvement.

The Workshop additionally provided participants with a forum to address topics of importance to the Cameroon Customs Administration. These include the practicalities of management and leadership. Participants were subsequently able to improve their knowledge of strategic management, leadership, visioning, people management, management styles, promotion of diversity and integrity in the workplace, communication, negotiation, and change management.

At the end of the Workshop, participants presented the Director General with a blueprint for a strategy to assume control of Customs' state missions outsourced by the Government to the pre-shipment inspection company. They also demonstrated their firm commitment to serve the Administration and support its reform process, through the "MBANKOMO II DECLARATION". 

Finally, the Directorate General of Cameroon Customs and participants expressed their gratitude and sincere appreciation to the WCO Secretariat for its continued support.


  • Second WCO Leadership and Management Development Workshop at the Directorate General of Customs, Cameroon

    Second WCO Leadership and Management Development Workshop at the Directorate General of Customs, Cameroon

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