WCO-EAC CREATe PROJECT develops Draft Regional AEO Procedures Manual

03 August 2015

The WCO-EAC CREATe project successfully conducted a five day workshop of regional experts from the East African Community (EAC) Customs Administrations and EAC Secretariat technical officers from 13 to 17 July 2015 in Kampala, Uganda. The main outcome is a draft Regional Authorized Economic Operator procedures manual that was jointly developed by regional experts, taking into account current EAC Single Customs Territory operating procedures and international standards.

The Workshop was opened by the newly appointed URA Commissioner of Customs, Mr. Dicksons Kateshumbwa who informed the workshop of the urgency expressed by the Project Steering Committee regarding the finalization of AEO procedures manual. The roll-out of the regional AEO scheme is a priority for the business community in the EAC. In addition to the procedures manual, the workshop also reviewed the proposed list of AEO Scheme benefits that will now be considered by stakeholders and then submitted for approval to the Project Steering Committee.