Workshop to develop diagnostic experts in Classification, Origin and Valuation work

03 December 2015

From 23 to 27 November 2015, a workshop took place in Accra, Ghana for English-speaking Customs administrations in the WCO’s West and Central Africa and Southern and Eastern Africa Regions.

The workshop, hosted by the Ghana Revenue Authority, was facilitated by the WCO and funded by the WCO Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF) Japan. The programme was designed to develop a group of facilitators who would be equipped to conduct diagnostic missions for the WCO on the core Customs functions of valuation, classification and origin.

15 Customs officials from 11 WCO Member countries were selected to take part in the event. The participants took part in role-play sessions, technical discussions and received presentations on the wide range of new tools launched under the WCO’s Revenue Package programme, designed to assist Members in fair and efficient revenue collection.

A number of the participants were identified as having the potential to be accredited as WCO Technical and Operational Advisors who would be able to deliver technical assistance and capacity building programmes to Members who wish to strengthen their infrastructure in the areas of valuation, classification and origin.

The Revenue Package has been developed to assist WCO Members in the identification and collection of the revenue due on imported goods. The materials launched under Phases I and II consist of diagnostic tools, guidance and case studies on a range of issues and are available to WCO Members via this link: