Enhancing connectivity and integration between Arab countries

09 February 2015

A regional Workshop on the technical model of cross border operations for better connectivity among Arab countries was held in Amman, Jordan during the period 26-27 January 2015 with the participation of the UNDP, the WCO, the Arab League, the Islamic Development Bank and representatives from Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Sudan to discuss the way to improve the performance of cross-border operations in the four countries.

The workshop aimed to enhance connectivity and integration between Arab countries through improvements in their infrastructure and simplification of administrative and customs procedures. Participants discussed the need to provide support to policy makers to strengthen their capabilities in the area of simplification of cross border procedures and the reduction of their duration. They also emphasized the need to promote the exchange of good practices in the field of logistics and supply chains as well as the cooperation between the private sector and governments.

The workshop discussed over two days, the new opportunities of cooperation between Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and other countries in the region in light of the WTO trade facilitation agreement and relevant international standards and conventions. The event also focused on implementing coordinated border management and enhancing the electronic exchange of data between the countries in the region for a better management of cross-border operations.

Participants recognized the crucial role the WCO is playing in this respect and agreed the need to ensure a harmonized implementation of trade facilitation solutions by using core WCO instruments and tools.