Latest edition of WCO News now available

27 February 2015

The WCO has released its 76th edition of WCO News, the Organization’s flagship magazine aimed at the global Customs community, which features a special dossier on Coordinated Border Management (CBM) – the WCO’s theme for 2015 – highlighting some of the interesting Customs initiatives and tools to support CBM, including a dedicated article on the WCO Data Model.

Other Highlights of this edition include articles on fighting motion picture and television piracy in the US, the introduction of ‘plain packaging’ of cigarettes in Australia and its implications, the roll-out of the AEO programme in Uganda, the strengthening of partnerships with stakeholders in Cape Verde, the heightening of controls on light aviation in West Africa, and much more.

The magazine is published and distributed free of charge three times a year, in February, June and October, and is available online or in paper format. If you do not want to miss future issues of WCO News, you are invited to fill out the online subscription form.