Training seminars on valuation control for experts and trainers from Democratic Republic of the Congo Customs

09 July 2015

Kinshasa (25 to 29 May 2015) and Lubumbashi (1 to 5 June 2015)

The WCO recently led two training seminars on valuation control of goods imported into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). They were aimed at experts and trainers from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGDA). Holding these seminars was the next logical step in a process that began with a diagnostic mission on the DGDA Valuation Control Programme carried out by two experts from the WCO Secretariat in January 2015. The objectives were twofold: firstly, building the capacities of experts and trainers from the central and provincial Directorates as well as experts assigned to "Système orange" (Orange System – the central Control Unit recently set up to replace the inspection company), and, secondly, supplying these trainers with WCO instructional materials so they can arrange cascade training.

The training seminars, organized with the co-operation and support of the DGDA, formed part of the Capacity Building Programme for Congolese Customs officers in preparation for regaining ownership of outsourced functions, including Customs valuation of imported goods.

The Kinshasa training seminar was attended by thirty DGDA experts and trainers and two Customs officers from Central African Republic Customs, invited by the DGDA under a Mutual Assistance Agreement signed by the two Customs Administrations. The second seminar in Lubumbashi was attended by thirty-two DGDA officers from five different provincial Directorates.

The training programme took place over five days and focused on the following topics: principles of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994, mechanisms of international trade, Incoterms 2010, transaction value, alternative methods provided for in the provisions of the WTO Valuation Agreement, adjustments set out in Article 8, transfer pricing and Customs valuation, Guidelines for Valuation Control, combating under-invoicing, and Guidelines for Post-Clearance Audit (PCA). Challenges in terms of controls on the informal sector and second-hand goods were also discussed.

Seminar participants were able to use laptops recently acquired by the DGDA, containing all the available material on the Harmonized System (HS), Valuation and Facilitation, together with the DRC’s national documents. They valued the content of the training and the use of laptops to carry it out, particularly the WCO valuation documents loaded on them. Using laptops proved practical, effective and constructive. Each training seminar concluded with the participants being awarded WCO attendance certificates.