The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia prepares for TRS implementation

25 September 2015

On 14 - 18 September 2015, a WCO Time Release Study (TRS) workshop was held in The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The workshop was co-organized by the Customs administration of The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, USAID and the WCO.

As several activities in preparation for the implementation of a TRS had already been accomplished in the country before the workshop, the workshop could be based on these first steps of engagement and provide participants from Customs and its stakeholders with the opportunity to have further detailed and in-depth discussions on various TRS-related aspects and thus, to contribute to the envisaged smooth implementation of the TRS in the country.

In preparation of the TRS implementation, the WCO also had the opportunity to visit two Customs places to observe clearance and related business processes on the ground - the Tabanovce Border Crossing, located closer to the Customs territory of Serbia; and the Customs Office Skopje 3. 

In addition, participants could benefit from training sessions on the use of the WCO TRS software. They demonstrated strong commitment and eagerness to implement the TRS and to cooperate with their partner organizations and the Private Sector (which is is equally a member of the group that is working on the preparation of the TRS on national level).