Meeting with Finance Minister and Policy Dialogue with Japanese Aid Agency

08 August 2016

The second Policy Dialogue between the WCO and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) was held on 5 August 2016 at JICA’s Headquarters in Tokyo, at the invitation of the President of JICA, Mr. Kitaoka.

Both Secretary General Mikuriya and the JICA President welcomed the progress made since the first Dialogue and they also welcomed the launch of a new WCO/JICA joint project for trade facilitation in Africa. They undertook to promote the implementation of this project for the benefit of African nations, this being a new cooperation initiative between JICA and the WCO. They also expressed the hope that the next Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI), to be held in Nairobi in late August, would bring positive results for the African continent.

On 4 and 5 August, the Secretary General also had meetings with Japan’s Minister of Finance, Mr. Aso, as well as high-level talks with the Deputy Minister of Finance, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Directors General from the Government of Japan.

The Minister of Finance fully recognized the importance of the role of Customs and commended the WCO’s on its work and initiatives, in particular in respect of border security measures. Secretary General Mikuriya and the Minister also exchanged views on the use of new technology and its potential future impact on the business environment, including the Customs community.
