New Recommendation to facilitate the monitoring of the international movement of goods required for the production and use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED)

18 August 2016

The Council, at its 127th/128th Sessions in July 2016, adopted a new Harmonized System-related Recommendation concerning the insertion in national statistical nomenclatures of subheadings to facilitate the monitoring of the international movement of goods required for the production and use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).

This Recommendation was adopted in support of the Programme Global Shield (PGS), which aims at preventing the illicit diversion and trafficking of precursor chemicals and specific components (detonators) that may be used by criminals to manufacture Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). More information on the PGS is available on the WCO’s Web site at: Topics > Key Issues > Programme Global Shield.

Under the terms of the Recommendation, WCO Members and Contracting Parties to the Harmonized System Convention are requested to insert in their statistical nomenclatures, as soon as possible, additional subdivisions for products covered by HS heading 36.03 to facilitate the monitoring of the international movement of goods required for the production and use of IEDs.

Recommendation on the insertion in national statistical nomenclatures of subheadings to facilitate the monitoring of the international movement of goods required for the production and use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED).