Change for Oman Customs

19 January 2016

The Directorate General of Customs, Royal Oman Police is in the process of releasing a new Customs import and export reporting and management system called Bayan. In Arabic Bayan means “a true or transparent statement” or declaration, which is fitting for a Customs system. The Bayan logo represents the name in English and Arabic, printed in Oman’s national colours, surrounded by blue arrows and a brown bar which represent Air, Sea and Land.

Roll-out of the new system commenced in July 2015 and continues on a progressive port by port release around the country. Roll-out commenced at the main seaport of Sohar, where electronic reporting has been well received. Since implementation of Bayan in Sohar analysis of cargo release times indicates an improvement of approximately three (3) days for the release of containers imported through Sohar. The Directorate General of Customs is committed to improving procedures and facilitating the safe and efficient movement of cargo in Oman and the Gulf region.

To date the main sea ports, and land ports have been implemented and reporting into Bayan is being gradually built up to full reporting. Bayan is scheduled to be implemented at all Customs and border locations in Oman, in 2016.

When fully implemented the Bayan system will offer a comprehensive Customs management system and single window for all border regulatory agencies in Oman. This includes multi agency permitting, co‑ordinated inspection management and release, Customs audit, investigation and workforce management functions.  The Bayan system is being built in compliance with the WCO data model and with reference to the Revised Kyoto Convention.

Recognising the importance that Customs reporting plays for the national economy the Sultan of Oman recently appointed Brigadier Issa Said Al Kiyumi, the former DG of Customs, who initiated the Bayan project and led Customs through the initial roll-out to the State Council (a Senate equivalent).

The new Director General of Customs is Colonel Khalifa Ali Al Siyabi. Colonel Khalifa was the business lead for the Bayan project, through the design, scoping and vendor selection phases of the Bayan project.



Colonel Khalifa AL Siyabi (DG of Customs) (r) presents a ceremonial sword, from the staff of Customs to His Excellency Issa Al Kiyumi the former DG of Customs (l)