Qatar Customs enhancing the implementation of the Revised Kyoto Convention

27 January 2016

Qatar is a Contracting Party to the RKC, after depositing its instrument of accession to the Secretary General of the WCO in 2009. As part of its efforts to enhance the implementation of the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC), the Qatar Customs Administration requested the support of the World Customs Organization (WCO) in form of a National Workshop. The event was held in the city of Doha, Qatar, from 18 to 21 January 2016, and was attended by more than 20 Customs officers from different work areas of the Qatar Customs Administration.

The four days Workshop allowed the participants to conduct a self-assessment by using the WCO RKC Tool Kit, developed to assess compliance of national legislation with the RKC General Annex provisions. The participants identified some aspects that will need to be addressed following the outcome of the self- assessment analysis.

Two WCO RKC experts facilitated the workshop and shared their knowledge on the RKC and their experience of comparative analysis of discrepancies between the RKC and national legislation. They also recommended some Specific Annexes that Qatar could consider accepting in the future.