WCO diagnostic mission to assess Cameroon Customs’ valuation control system

23 June 2016

Following a request for technical assistance by Cameroon Customs (DGD), two experts from the WCO Secretariat’s Valuation Sub-Directorate conducted a diagnostic mission from 6 to 14 June 2016. The aim of this mission was to assess the Customs valuation control system for imported goods and make recommendations accordingly.

The experts held working sessions with the heads of the various DGD divisions/units involved in Customs valuation control in Yaoundé and Douala, as well as with representatives from the business community.

At the end of the mission the WCO Secretariat representatives reported their preliminary findings to the Director General of Cameroon Customs and senior managers from headquarters and operational services involved in Customs valuation matters. The initial results and recommendations from the diagnostic mission will help DGD to strengthen its valuation control system and ensure proper implementation and application of the WTO Valuation Agreement.
