WCO mission to Bangladesh to support implementation of an advance ruling system

14 March 2016

A WCO Revenue Package national workshop on the development of an Advance Ruling System for classification, funded by CCF China, was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 28 February to 2 March 2016, at the National Board of Revenue. The workshop was officially opened by the Chairman of the National Board of Revenue and Secretary of Internal Resources of the Ministry of Finance, Mr. Md. Nojibur Rahman.

Fourteen Customs officers participated in the workshop, which was facilitated by a Technical Officer from the WCO Secretariat, a WCO accredited expert from China and an external expert.

During the Workshop, several presentations with respect to advance rulings, as well as tools and instruments developed under the Revenue Package Phase II, were delivered. At the discussion session, two participants gave presentations on the current situation of the Bangladesh Administration in the area of classification infrastructure and how to seek possible solutions for the way forward by referring to the "Diagnostic Tool on Tariff Classification, Valuation and Origin Work and Related Infrastructure". This workshop focused, in particular, on advance rulings for classification since they will play a vital role in promoting trade facilitation as well as maintaining uniform application of the Harmonized System, and are required by the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation.

At the end of the workshop, the participants presented the results of the practical application of the "Diagnostic Tool", including proposals and solutions related to the modernization of classification work and related infrastructure, and to the adoption of an advance ruling system for classification. The Chairman of the National Board of Revenue recognized the importance of those proposals and confirmed that the provision for an advance ruling system will be included in the new Customs Act of Bangladesh, which should enter into force in the coming months.
