WCO Supports Belize Customs and Excise Department in its Human Resources Reform & Modernization Initiatives

18 March 2016

In response to a request from the Belize Customs and Excise Department (CED) Comptroller, the WCO facilitated a workshop to review the CED Strategic and Business Plan 2014-2017. During the week of 8 to 12 February 2016, all 12 CED senior managers participated in the workshop.

Based on analysis by the group using the WCO Strategic Management Baseline Data Collection Questionnaire, human resource management and development (HR) were identified as key components for the success of their Strategic and Business Plan. The "WCO People Diagnostic Tool" and "WCO Framework of Principles and Practices for Customs Professionalism" were also key reference tools for the HR component of the workshop. Participants discussed HR functions, key HR processes and the competency-based HR approach.

The workshop concluded with the preparation of three key HR products. The principle document drafted was a CED HR Strategy aligned with the Strategic and Business Plan. Following drafting of this document, was the outline of a Human Resource Development Plan and an associated Training Calendar.

This suite of HR documents was presented to the Ministry of Finance on the final day of the workshop and will be submitted for formal approval in the near future (due to associated funding required).

Further implementation steps and options were also identified to ensure delivery and funding for their HR modernization initiatives


  • WCO Supports Belize Customs and Excise Department in its Human Resources Reform & Modernization Initiatives

    WCO Supports Belize Customs and Excise Department in its Human Resources Reform & Modernization Initiatives

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