3rd WCO AEO Conference opens in Mexico

12 May 2016

 More than 1,000 delegates from over 80 countries attended the opening of the WCO Global AEO Conference in Cancun, Mexico, yesterday 11 May, to discuss dynamic developments in Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programmes widely acknowledged as a key driver for solid Customs-Business partnerships.

The list of WCO Members implementing AEO programmes or various compliance programmes has grown significantly, with the number of Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) signed having doubled and even more Agreements being negotiated. This positive momentum, as well as current challenges and future opportunities for AEO programmes in the light of global security and facilitation concerns, will be the focus of participants’ attention during this three-day event.

In his message, the Head of the Mexico’s Tax Administration Service (SAT) said that the current context calls for security monitoring in the international supply chain and this poses a major challenge in terms of finding the right balance between security and facilitation. In response to this challenge, he said that partnership between the public and private sectors was becoming strategic, noting that since 2012 Mexico had formed part of a group of countries, now 69-strong, having developed membership of their national AEO programme.

"Today, Mexico provides a consolidated and inclusive system for major players in the supply chain. We have certified 492 companies and 969 facilities since 2012, equating to 52% of foreign trade; some 62 carriers have joined since 2013, 49 Customs agents have been participating since 2014, and we are currently incorporating five more players", he said.

In his speech, the Secretary General of the WCO, Kunio Mikuriya, highlighted the "raison d’être" of the AEO concept and its importance in a time of heightened security concerns. He also noted the value of building aligned national and regional programmes as well as of concluding MRAs to standardize AEO programmes internationally for the benefit of both Customs and the private sector.

The extensive Conference agenda provides great opportunities for all those interested in learning about successful AEO implementation across the world and in hearing the views of senior experts from both the public and private sectors on the future of the AEO concept and continuous improvement of Customs-Business partnerships.

During the event, participants will also benefit from capacity building workshops on various aspects including inter-agency cooperation and recognition of AEOs, the increasing role of digital technology, opportunities to expand AEO programmes to include more players in the logistics industry as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, and the promotion of a harmonized approach to AEO programmes at regional and international level.

The event is being co-hosted by the Mexican Government, with support from the Korea Customs Service.


  • More than 1,000 delegates from over 80 countries attended the opening of the WCO Global AEO Conference in Cancun, Mexico, on 11 May 2016

    More than 1,000 delegates from over 80 countries attended the opening of the WCO Global AEO Conference in Cancun, Mexico, on 11 May 2016

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  • More than 1,000 delegates from over 80 countries attended the opening of the WCO Global AEO Conference in Cancun, Mexico, on 11 May 2016

    More than 1,000 delegates from over 80 countries attended the opening of the WCO Global AEO Conference in Cancun, Mexico, on 11 May 2016

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  • More than 1,000 delegates from over 80 countries attended the opening of the WCO Global AEO Conference in Cancun, Mexico, on 11 May 2016

    More than 1,000 delegates from over 80 countries attended the opening of the WCO Global AEO Conference in Cancun, Mexico, on 11 May 2016

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