Ukraine Customs reform on the way

28 November 2016

At the invitation of Mr. Roman Nasirov, Head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya visited Kyiv, Ukraine on 24 and 25 November 2016 to discuss Customs reform and the WCO regional structures hosted by Ukraine Customs.

The State Fiscal Service was established in 2014, replacing the Ministry of Revenues and Duties created in 2012, through the merger of the State Tax Service and the State Customs Service.  After visiting the airport office to see how Single Window implementation begun this year with involvement by five border agencies, Dr. Mikuriya received a full briefing on the Customs reform process and on advice received from other international organizations and Customs administrations. 

Secretary General Mikuriya also discussed the future direction of WCO Regional Training Centre as well as the Dog Training Centre, which was granted WCO regional status this year.  Mr. Nasirov and Dr. Mikuriya agreed on developing a comprehensive Customs reform programme incorporating the advice received, and aimed at gaining the understanding and support of political leaders and business.  The WCO would provide advisory support and the necessary technical assistance.

Dr. Mikuriya visited the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and gave a lecture to students on the WCO’s contribution in an evolving environment.  He was also awarded the title of Honorary Professor.  In response to questions from students, Dr. Mikuriya elaborated on the role of research in Customs and on ways to address integrity.