Zimbabwe host a Workshop on Customs Laboratories and Test Procedures for the Customs Administrations of Zimbabwe and Sudan

25 November 2016

Under the sponsorship of HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs - UK), a WCO Workshop on Customs Laboratories and Test Procedures was held in Zimbabwe (Harare) from 21 to 24 November 2016 and attended by Customs staff from Zimbabwe and Sudan. The Workshop was co-facilitated by Mr. Daniel Cardozo, WCO Accredited Trainer on HS matters from Uruguay Customs. The opening of this activity was officiated by Ms. Nellie Mupanduki, Head of the Technical Services of the Customs Unit in ZIMRA (Zimbabwe Revenue Authority). In Her opening remarks, Ms. Mupanduki highlighted the importance of the Customs Laboratory for the correct tariff classification of goods and the efforts of Zimbabwe Customs in establishing a standard Customs Laboratory in line with the requiremens for Test Procedures stipulated in Article 3 of the WTO Trade Facilitation (Bali) Agreement. The participants discussed relevant areas of analytic methodology (e.g., test kits for drug detection), the modifications introduced in the chemicals area in the Harmonized System (HS) 2017 edition, HS classification cases and also considered the possibilities for the implementation of the Customs Laboratory in Zimbabwe. The role of the Customs Laboratory in the protection of mineral resources in Zimbabwe and Sudan was emphasized by the participants. At the closing ceremony, Mr. Cardozo emphasized the importance of a Customs Laboratory for the correct classification of commodities in the Harmonized System and in the National Tariff. He also emphasized the importance of the cooperation and networking between the Customs Laboratories in the region.