Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro host two WCO National Workshops on the modernization of their Customs Laboratories

21 October 2016

Two National Workshops on the modernization of the Customs Laboratories of Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro, respectively, organized jointly by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the Customs Administration of these two Members, with the support of the Customs Cooperation Fund of Germany (CCF Germany), were held from 17 to 20 October. The two Workshops were co-facilitated by three Customs Chemists from the German Administration.

The Workshop of Montenegro took place in the headquarters of Montenegro Customs in Podgorica. The opening of this activity was officiated by Dzenana Tuzovic, head of the Department for the Customs Tariff, TARICG and Laboratory. In her opening remarks she highlighted the importance of the Customs Laboratory for the correct tariff classification of goods and the efforts of Montenegro Customs in establishing a Customs Laboratory with the highest standards of quality. She also noted the continuous support of the WCO and CCF Germany to meet the demands of Montenegro in its capacity building initiatives and thanked the representative from the WCO Secretariat’s Tariff and Trade Affairs Directorate for facilitating the high level discussions on tariff classification and Customs Laboratory issues. During the Workshop the group discussed a wide range of Customs Laboratory matters, including the Customs Laboratory Guide, the HS 2017 edition, the ISO 17025 and other aspects regarding quality assurance and accreditation of Customs Laboratories. Montenegro is planning to implement soon a standard Customs Laboratory. At the closing ceremony, Dr. Siegfried Knecht, from the Customs Laboratory of Frankfurt and Martin Buhmann, from the Customs Laboratory of Berlin, who co-facilitated the Workshop, pointed out that the establishment of a modern Customs Laboratory in Montenegro would be very beneficial for the Montenegro Customs Administration

The Workshop of Bosnia & Herzegovina was held in the Customs headquarters in Banja Luka. In his opening remarks, Mr. Zoran Popovic, Head of the Customs Laboratory, thanked the continuous support of the WCO and CCF Germany for the modernization of the Customs Laboratory of his Administration. The Customs Laboratory of Bosnia & Herzegovina is a medium size laboratory that will be relocated soon to a new better equipped modern building. During the Workshop the group discussed the use and future prospects of the HS and the future of the Customs Laboratories. A wide range of quality and accreditation matters were addressed and the participants attending the Workshop were also thoroughly informed about the fundamental principles and practicalities of the ISO 17025. Present at the closing ceremony, Dr. Dirk Jacobi, from the Customs Laboratory of Munich, who co-facilitated the Workshop, emphasized the importance of the cooperation and networking between Customs Laboratories and encouraged Bosnia & Herzegovina Customs to the establishment of a modern Customs Laboratory.


  • Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro host two WCO National Workshops on the modernization of their Customs Laboratories

    Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro host two WCO National Workshops on the modernization of their Customs Laboratories

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  • Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro host two WCO National Workshops on the modernization of their Customs Laboratories

    Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro host two WCO National Workshops on the modernization of their Customs Laboratories

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