National AEO Workshop

06 September 2016

Tunis, Tunisia: 30 August-2 September 2016

At the invitation of the Tunisian Customs Directorate, the WCO conducted a workshop on the AEO programme in Tunis from 30 August to 2 September 2016. The event was funded by the Korean Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF) and was facilitated by experts from the WCO and French Customs. Over 60 mid-management and Senior Customs officers benefited from the detailed and practical discussions on the concepts, conditions and requirements for the establishment of an AEO programme as described in the SAFE Framework of Standards as well as the implementation experiences in the EU, particularly in France.

During the Workshop, the fundamental concepts of Authorized Person and Authorized Operator schemes contained in the RKC and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) were examined by the participants, as well as other similar security programmes and benefits provided to AEOs all over the world. The Workshop was completed by a visit to a newly appointed AEO company who was granted the status based on the new legislation and instructions.

Tunisia launched in 2010 an AEO scheme which was very similar to a compliance programme. The new programme to be launched within the next few weeks will include supply chain security requirements in line with the SAFE Framework of Standards.
