A Train-the-Trainer Integrity Workshop delivered for the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA)

17 February 2017

Port Louis, Mauritius

The WCO conducted a Train-the-Trainer Integrity Workshop from 30 January-3 February 2017.  The participants came from both Tax and Customs and engaged in dynamic discussions.  It was decided that target groups would be frontline officers and supervisors and that an integrity awareness programme would be developed for Managers.

Discussions and group exercises around MRA core values and objectives led to the definition of key messages to be conveyed through the integrity training.  With the assistance of the WCO and based on the objectives identified for each target group, ideas on the content and the methodology of the training were exchanged.  The group also identified what could be the content of an awareness session for Managers and a presentation for Managers was made to MRA Managers, representatives of the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission (ICAC), Transparency International and Police officers.  MRA will finalize its Integrity Training Strategy in order to proceed with the actual training of trainers in the area of integrity.  The material developed by MRA with the support of the WCO will serve to assist other WCO Members in this area.