Experts Group Workshop on Post-Clearance Audit (PCA) organized to work on WCO Guildelines

03 May 2017

The WCO organized an Experts Group Workshop on Post-Clearance Audit (PCA) at the WCO Headquarters that took place from 24 to 28 April 2017.  All 6 regions of the WCO were represented with  10 Customs officers present for the meetings and an additional 6 officers participating remotely utilizing the WCO CLiKC! platform.   All 16 officers were able  to provide their knowledge and expertise towards the revision of the WCO PCA Guidelines.  The Workshop was funded by WCO Reserved Funds.

At the June 2016 Council Sessions, Revenue Package Action Plan Phase III was adopted and it was directed that the Guidelines for Post-Clearance Audit (PCA) should be revised by the end of June 2018. It was further agreed at the Working Group of Revenue Compliance and Fraud that the WCO Secretariat establish an ad hoc Expert Group on PCA which will work on the revision.  During the said Working Group, the Secretariat requested that Members send eligible officers to this Workshop to provide input to the revision.   The Administrations of Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Germany, India, Japan, Jordan, Liberia, Mauritius, Peru, Tanzania and United States contributed to this initiative.

Taking into consideration the growing importance as PCA as part of the WTO TFA (Article 7.5) which entered into force last February, the Secretariat intends to update the Guidelines which consititute the backbone of the WCO’s initiatives on PCA.

The Workshop was a mutually beneficial exercise; it assisted the WCO in revising Guidelines and enabled the participants in improving their knowledge and techniques by exchanging information among participants from all the regions of the WCO. During the five day Meeting, participants actively shared their knowledge and experiences through presentations and group discussions.

The Secretariat will continue working on the outcomes of this Workshop with the next Workshop planned in the latter half of this year.  This allows the experts time to scrutinize the draft tool before the Secretariat presents it to relevant WCO Working Group and Committees.