WCO conducts a Diagnostic mission on Post Clearance Audit for Qatar

19 April 2018

With a view to implement an effective PCA function in accordance with the WCO PCA Guidelines and meeting in full the requirements of the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), the General Authority for Customs for Qatar sought the WCO’s support in conducting a PCA diagnostic. The objective of a PCA diagnostic is to review, analyze and report on the Administration’s institutional arrangements, as well as, the methodologies and techniques used to conduct its post clearance audits.

The PCA diagnostic was conducted in Doha, Qatar from 25 to 29 March 2018. The Diagnostic involved discussions with senior representatives from various departments and sections within the General Authority for Customs of Qatar, including, Internal Audit Department; Anti-Smuggling & Customs Security Department; Planning and Quality Management Department; Operations & Risk Analysis Department;; Department of Revenue and the Subsequent Audit; Origin Section and visits to the Hamad Sea Port and the Air Freight Customs and Private Airports Own Management Department at Doha International Airport.

In concluding the mission, the WCO experts presented on the WCO Concept of PCA, PCA Policy Development, PCA Audit Phases and Human Resource Management for PCA. The Administration was very pleased to receive WCO expertise in the area of PCA and is looking forward to the Diagnostic mission report and appreciates the ongoing support provided by the WCO in other areas of Customs.