WCO signs Memorandum of Understanding with IMF

05 December 2018

The Secretary General of the World Customs Organization (WCO), Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, and the Director of the Fiscal Affairs Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dr. Vitor Gaspar, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two Organizations on 1 December 2018.

The MoU on Collection of Customs Data using the Revenue Administration Fiscal Information Tool (RA-FIT) establishes a framework for cooperation between the WCO and the IMF regarding a harmonized approach to the collection of Customs administration data from WCO Members on a voluntary basis, through the International Survey on Customs Administrations (ISOCA).  The objective of the partnership is to provide a set of both quantitative and qualitative Customs administration information which facilitates data analytics.

By uniting resources and expertise, the effective implementation of ISOCA will provide an efficient platform for collecting national-level information and data on Customs administrations to support analysis and research, identify trends and opportunities for policy and administrative developments, advocate investment and allocation of resources, provide advice, and direct technical assistance and capacity building support.