WCO Raises Awareness for Enhanced Border Cooperation in Latin America

04 December 2019

The first regional meeting of the National Trade Facilitation Committees (NTFCs) in Latin America took place from 25-29 November in Montevideo, Uruguay.  This forum was organized by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in collaboration with the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI).  The objective of the meeting was to promote the exchange of best practices between the members of the NTFCs and identify areas for mutual learning and possible collaboration areas.

With the support of the WCO-SECO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP), the WCO was represented by Mr. Luis Montaño, GTFP Lead Trade Facilitation Expert, who developed and participated in three panel sessions.  The panels encompassed Coordinated Boarder Management (CBM), Time Release Study (TRS) and Risk Management (RM).  The sessions included the role of NTFCs in these subject areas and the regional challenges identified during the implementation of the GTFP.  The WCO-GTFP expert highlighted the importance of communication and trust amongst border agencies.

The participants from national border agencies, ministries of trade and the donor community were briefed on the WCO instruments and tools on CBM, TRS and RM, and updated on the respective activities conducted by the WCO in the region, along with the upcoming ones to be delivered by the GTFP in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru.

This event provided an excellent opportunity to enhance the WCO’s visibility in the region, engage with international organizations such as the WTO, World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and demonstrate its unique ability to deliver capacity building assistance and technical cooperation in core Customs areas. 

For more information on the GTFP please contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org