Enhanced cooperation with Italy

20 March 2019

At the invitation of Mr. Benedetto Mineo, Director General of the Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency, and Mr. Giorgio Toschi, General Commander of the Guardia di Finanza, WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya visited both agencies in Rome, Italy on 19 March 2019.

Dr. Mikuriya was first briefed by Director General Mineo on the activities carried out by the Italian Customs Intelligence Center, such as the fight against under-invoicing using information technology and data analysis tools. The Centre’s findings are being shared within the European Union and serve as a basis for regional cooperation in tackling revenue fraud.  Mr. Mineo shared his vision for addressing human resource shortages through the use of advanced technology and staff reorganization.  He offered to share Italy’s experiences with neighbouring countries and beyond, with a view to further contributing to WCO activities.

Afterwards, Secretary General Mikuriya went on to meet with General Commander Toschi at the Guardia di Finanza. The Guardia di Finanza’s role was explained as being a militarized police force answerable to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with responsibility for tackling financial crime and smuggling, including illicit drug trafficking, as well as for safeguarding the State’s economic interests.  Mr. Toschi also offered to further contribute to the WCO’s work in a wide range of border enforcement areas, including efforts to combat smuggling of highly-taxed goods and money laundering.  

Dr. Mikuriya expressed his appreciation for Italy’s contribution to WCO operations and intelligence. 


  • Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, WCO Secretary General, and Mr. Benedetto Mineo, Director General of the Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency (copyright: Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency)

    Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, WCO Secretary General, and Mr. Benedetto Mineo, Director General of the Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency (copyright: Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency)

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  • Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, WCO Secretary General, and Mr. Giorgio Toschi, General Commander of the Guardia di Finanza

    Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, WCO Secretary General, and Mr. Giorgio Toschi, General Commander of the Guardia di Finanza

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  • Dr. Mikuriya was first briefed by Director General Mineo on the activities carried out by the Italian Customs Intelligence Center, such as the fight against under-invoicing using information technology and data analysis tools (copyright: Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency)

    Dr. Mikuriya was first briefed by Director General Mineo on the activities carried out by the Italian Customs Intelligence Center, such as the fight against under-invoicing using information technology and data analysis tools (copyright: Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency)

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  • Mr. Toshi also offered to further contribute to the WCO’s work in a wide range of border enforcement areas, including efforts to combat smuggling of highly-taxed goods and money laundering.

    Mr. Toshi also offered to further contribute to the WCO’s work in a wide range of border enforcement areas, including efforts to combat smuggling of highly-taxed goods and money laundering.

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