A-CIP Programme: first integrity-related activity to Ghana Revenue Authority

09 May 2019

The first Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme for Customs activity in Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) aimed at identifying current integrity-related strategies and initiatives within the institution as well as priority areas for future action. The latter will support the preliminary development of a Project Plan to guide A-CIP support for GRA over the course of the remainder of the Programme which is due to continue until end 2023. 

During the week, GRA management and staff were sensitized on the WCO approach to integrity development including available instruments and tools. An integrity self-assessment exercise, based on the WCO Integrity Development Guide and the Revised Arusha Declaration, conducted with the involvement of multiple stakeholders, including the private sector, led to constructive recommendations and priority actions derived by GRA. This work was conducted in coordination with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s AFRITAC West 2 in order to maximize the benefits of support to GRA.

GRA’s level of participation, including a high level of commitment from senior management and other key stakeholders, represented an excellent start for Ghana’s involvement in the A-CIP Programme.  The outputs of this work will assist in the establishment of a clear roadmap for future activities for GRA’s implementation of the Revised Arusha Declaration and contribution to Ghana’s anti-corruption and integrity efforts overall.

For more information about the A-CIP Programme, kindly contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org